If you’ve been looking for a refraction solution that can fit into tight spaces, the new Topcon Chronos may be worth a look.

Chronos is a digital refraction system that combines autorefraction, keratometry and subjective refraction in a device that occupies less than four feet of space, Topcon says. The company adds that the system is fully automated, and features guided refraction software called SightPilot, so it can be operated by anyone in your practice. It tests binocularly, so the average patient refraction time is just three and a half minutes (though it can vary from patient to patient), which Topcon says allows providers to see more patients and grow their practice without adding exam lanes or trained technicians.

The system can be controlled via a tablet, laptop or desktop PC, which means that the staff member at the controls can be at a safe distance or even in another room.

For information, visit topconhealthcare.com/products/chronos.


See Your Practice Better Through the Fog
EyeMD EMR Healthcare Systems recently unveiled its EMR 2.0 system, which it describes as an “all-in-one electronic medical records, practice management and picture archiving and communication system.”

The company says that the 2.0 EMR software uses fog-based technology. In fog-based computing, devices such as controllers, switches, routers and video cameras can act as “fog nodes.” Then, data generated by a device can be analyzed using one of these nodes without having to be sent all the way back to the cloud.1 EyeMD EMR says this approach “future-proofs” ophthalmology practices by scaling as the practice’s needs evolve. Ophthalmology practices can access their system from anywhere, while allowing them the freedom to choose their hosting architecture, the company says. Customers also have the ability to work through an internet outage uninterrupted.

EyeMD EMR Practice Management is a fully-integrated billing and real-time claims-management system that automates accounts receivables management, its maker says, while producing extensive reports.

For more information on the new system, visit eyemdemr.com or call (877) 2 EYE EMR.


Intraoperative Play-by-Play

Leica recently introduced EnFocus, an intraoperative optical coherence tomography system for its Proveo 8 and M844 F40 surgical microscopes.

The company says the system can show the orientation of donor tissue in real-time in DMEK, the tension on an epiretinal membrane, and placement information for glaucoma shunts. Leica says it can differentiate between artifacts and tissue due to its unique spectrometer technology with dispersion compensation software. Its highly sensitive detector captures more signal, shows fine details even through blood, and can play back the case through acquired OCT scans frame by frame or in video mode to check for such things as residual subretinal fluid, the positioning of a glaucoma drainage device, or whether or not a corneal graft is well-apposed to the host cornea.

For information, visit leica-microsystems.comREVIEW


1. What is Fog Computing? https://www.itprc.com/fog-computing/. Accessed November 19, 2020.