March 2008

Contents in this section coming soon...


Review News

Editor's Page

Technology Update

Are Drops an Unnecessary Evil?

Companies are hard at work trying to optimize the way we put medicine in our eyes.

Letters to the Editor

Retinal Insider

When Anti-VEGF Treatment Fails

Retina specialists are charting new territory and learning how to spot and react to failed anti-VEGF therapy.

Glaucoma Management

Two Drugs, One Bottle: The Pros and Cons

Fixed-combination drugs offer patients and doctors advantages—and potential disadvantages.

Therapeutic Topics

Mad Eye Disease: Should You Worry?

A look at prion-caused diseases, such as mad cow, and how they might infiltrate the ophthalmic office.

Refractive Surgery

Intrastromal Surgery Takes Its First Steps

Non-invasive laser refractive surgery is becoming a reality.

Product News

Research Review

Wills Eye Resident Case Series

Wills Eye Resident Case Series

A contact lens wearer’s plight highlights an increasing threat.